Week Pocket: Harry Potter, nazisme i YouTube
Aquesta setmana hi ha bastants enllaços. Però primer, una petita metareflexió.
No acabo de trobar-li el punt al Week Pocket. Continuo posant-hi els articles que més m’han agradat, però moltes vegades també els he compartit abans al Twitter. Aquesta setmana he evitat compartir-los allà per reservar-los per al Week Pocket, però no crec que tingui gaire sentit ja que la repercussió que té un enllaç quan el penjo al Twitter i quan el poso aquí és infinitament superior (crec jo, vaja). Per altra banda, si comparteixo molts enllaços —més els propis, bàsicament els articles que anem publicant a La Zona—, el perfil de Twitter queda massa ple de links i pot acabar minvant l’atenció dels seguidors.
Potser continuo fins ara fent el Week Pocket. Potser faig un espai al blog per posar petits enllaços —continuaria tenint el problema de la difusió, però no hauria d’esperar al Week Pocket (tot i que això potser provocaria que no agrupés els enllaços per oblit)—. O potser ho deixo estar i només comparteixo a Twitter els més destacats i deixo la resta (moltes vegades articles boníssims) per mi només. Si algú té una idea, que m’ho digui per Twitter (ha!) i en parlem.
Dit això, la llista d’aquesta entrega:
Así que a partir de ahora, nada de “¿De verdad esto puede funcionar?”. No. A partir de ahora lo que voy a intentar preguntarme es: ¿Y si funcionase?
La saga de Harry Potter presenta una serie de paralelismos argumentales con elementos históricos de la Alemania nazi. Algunos evidentes y otros más complejos, fechas coincidentes, objetivos de poder y situaciones bajo ambos regímenes.
As a business, YouTube is perhaps the grand archive of the information age, but for as long as we continue to ignore its status as a black market, or more appropriately, a free market system quickly growing out of hand, we ignore the fact that Google desires to exploit its lack of accountability to a much greater extent than hoarding all of the world’s music and film.
Todo objeto o idea obra de la mano del hombre descansa sobre unos cimientos ideológicos, y eso es algo que nadie puede negar, sobre todo en un mundo en el que la adopción del consumismo como la nueva religión total ha instaurado una ilusión de democracia capitalista controlada por las oligarquías corporativas y el clientelismo estructural.
Una paridad en el mercado es buena para todos: todo el mundo seguirá esforzándose para ganar, nadie se relajará y el sector seguirá siendo competitivo.
Llevamos una racha curiosa de pequeñas revoluciones con el asunto de las imágenes por segundo; queremos muchas, cuantas más mejor, igual ni nos interesan pero queremos todas las que sean posibles. Dame imágenes y llámame tonto. No quiero hablar sobre cuántas imágenes por segundo se nos deben por el dinero que pagamos; eso otro día, si vemos que tal. Hoy quiero hablar de otra cosa.
Door Kickers es la mejor incorporación de los últimos años al género del RTS táctico y viene trufado de contenido, tanto oficial (las misiones de briefing o las tres campañas) como de la comunidad.
With his CEO status now as firm as it has ever been, and the company pretty unassailable, Cook seemed completely ready, criticizing his home state of Alabama in a speech there about its failures in the civil rights arena. “As a state, we took too long to step toward equality,” he said. “We were too slow on equality for African-Americans. We were too slow on interracial marriage, and we are still too slow for the equality for the LGBT community.”
That was this past Monday. At a dinner I attended earlier this week, what he said came up in conversation, and someone wondered what he was up to. With no idea about what he was about to do, I had only one response: “I think we are finally about to meet the real Tim Cook.”
And, while we might have known it all along about him, it’s nice to finally be able to say hello to the entire man.
There was a time when I struggled to come to terms with myself; when I felt alone; when I scanned the horizon looking for someone to point the way forward for me. There was a time when the only other gay men I knew were the ones I saw in TV and movies, and they seemed nothing like me. It feels embarrassing to say now that what I wanted back then was a role model — someone confident in himself, powerful, a real leader — to give me permission to be myself. But I very much did.
Thirteen years is a pretty long time. Long enough to make a man, according to Jewish tradition. Long enough, I’ll declare here, for the sake of argument, to get a gauge on a planet’s cultural climate and start making grand proclamations about subjective issues. Like this: Kanye West is the most important artist, in any art form, any genre, of the 21st Century.
There is a new Taylor Swift album out today, and it is already totally undeniable. The first single is a #1 hit, the second single was #1 on iTunes within 10 minutes of its release, and Taylor has been teasing us via Instagram about these new songs for what seems like years. It’s only been a few weeks, but still. I love her, you love her, let’s talk about her.